Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain): The Future of Land Titling and Registry Project Overview

Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain): The Future of Land Titling and Registry Project Overview

[Please note that this article was originally published on LAC PropertyChain official website] The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has engaged ChromaWay on a two-year project in Peru, Paraguay, and Bolivia on an initiative titled “Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain): The Future of Land Titling and Registry.” The primary goal of the project is to evaluate how blockchain technology can contribute to solving some of the most pressing problems of land administration…

The Land Sector and the Blockchain: What Happened?

The Land Sector and the Blockchain: What Happened?

The annual World Bank Land and Poverty Conference kickoff is next week (March 25) here in Washington, DC. The ChromaWay US office is just a few blocks away from “The Bank” (not to be confused with the “Iron Bank” from Game of Thrones), where more than 1,500 academics, NGO representatives, technology companies, land registry leaders, surveyors, and planners will congregate for a sort of international Landpalooza. This will be…